We are aware CORE01.LON01 within our network has suffered a software reload affecting all services directly connected to it. Other parts of the network are unaffected. UPDATE01 – 15:45 CORE01.LON01 has now recovered and we are reviewing the crash logs for the root cause. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. UPDATE02 – 16:15 A incident … Continue reading “LON01 – 26/02/2016 – 15:40 – CORE01.LON01 *INCIDENT* *RESOLVED*”
We are aware CORE01.LON01 within our network has suffered a software reload affecting all services directly connected to it. Other parts of the network are unaffected.
UPDATE01 – 15:45
CORE01.LON01 has now recovered and we are reviewing the crash logs for the root cause. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
UPDATE02 – 16:15
A incident report is now available HERE