Virgin Media Based Circuits – 03/08/2016 – Incident – Cleared

Update: 15:52 Virgin Media have advised that all repair work is now complete and all services restored. Circuits should no longer be considered at risk. We apologise the inconvenience caused during the course of this incident. ————- We are currently aware of an issue affecting a number of on-net Virgin Media based circuits. We believe … Continue reading “Virgin Media Based Circuits – 03/08/2016 – Incident – Cleared”

Update: 15:52
Virgin Media have advised that all repair work is now complete and all services restored. Circuits should no longer be considered at risk.

We apologise the inconvenience caused during the course of this incident.


We are currently aware of an issue affecting a number of on-net Virgin Media based circuits. We believe this is due to a fibre break within the Virgin Media network, no ETR has currently been given.

Services with backup media such as DSL will have been re-routed.

Update: 09:35
Virgin Media have advised that the location of the break has been identified as 7.5km away from a local Virgin Media hub. Splicing engineers are currently attending the closest joint to determine the exact location of the break.

Update: 10:26
Following our previous post, several engineers are now on site identifying the exact location of the fibre break. We are expecting more specific details on the break in due course.

We will keep in contact with the relevant escalation points within Virgin Media to obtain the latest information, as it becomes available.

Update: 11:30
Virgin Media have advised engineers have attended the next joint along from the break and completed Optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) testing between the joints. Red light testing is currently underway to confirm the precise location of the break. Virgin Media have also confirmed splicing teams are on site to begin work as soon as the break location is confirmed.

We will post updates as soon as they become available.

Update: 12:58
Virgin Media engineers have located the break between Corbet Place and Brick Lane in London. Engineers are currently accessing the pits this cable passes through to visually inspect the cable and identify if any spare fibres can be used. If any spare fibres are identified they will be prioritised for our services.

Further updates will be posted as soon as available.

Update: 13:22
Virgin Media have advised that spare fibres have been located. Splicing will begin on the first end of the cable shortly and should be complete within 30 minutes. Splicing at the second end of the cable involves more work and is expected to take up to a further 60 minutes to complete.

Further updates will be posted when available.

Update: 14:55
Splicing work on the cables that carry our services has been completed and connectivity restored to all affected circuits. Virgin Media advised work is still ongoing at the site of the break so circuits should still be considered at risk.

We will advise once Virgin Media confirm all repair work complete.

Update: 15:52
Virgin Media have advised that all repair work is now complete and all services restored. Circuits should no longer be considered at risk.

We apologise the inconvenience caused during the course of this incident.

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