We have been advised by Entanet that they will be inserting an additional line card in to goswell.core.enta.net to increase capacity. They have advised that no downtime is expected, however that’s not always been the case and we have classed this work as “at risk” Any service disruption will result in traffic being automatically re-routed. … Continue reading “LON01 – Entanet Transit *At Risk Planned Maintenance 05-03-2015* *COMPLETE*”
We have been advised by Entanet that they will be inserting an additional line card in to goswell.core.enta.net to increase capacity. They have advised that no downtime is expected, however that’s not always been the case and we have classed this work as “at risk”
Any service disruption will result in traffic being automatically re-routed.
Date scheduled: Thursday 5th March 2015 00:01 – 03:00