We will be upgrading our shared EasyIPT platform (Hosted VoIP) over the course of Friday the 05th March. This upgrade work involves the replacement of the current server to a much larger device with an upgrade of OS and PBX software. The new server will be built and bought online along side the current one. Migration works will start after 20:00 hours on a client by client biases.
As part of the works, each shared session will now be given its own IPv4 address and trunk. This will eliminate the billing issues on call forwarding that have been an issue for some time.
The works also improve redundancy via a dual network topology setup to the main server and enables IPv6 going forward. This work is inline with our upgrade program and allows us to provide a truly unique setup and experience.
Once a client is migrated the site firewall rules and handsets will be updated to reflect the new session via our management network. No action is needed where this is in place. Any site operating outside of this will need to contact us or if you are using a 3rd party firewall with no VPN.
UPDATE 01 – 22:00 – 08/03/2015
Many of the systems have migrated without issue as expected however due to the volume of migrations we have been unable to complete them all within the time allotted. Migrations will continue over the course of Monday next week out of hours as based on the weekend work, there should be no service disruptions seen. The old server will then be disconnected at 22:00 on Tuesday the 10th March