We are aware CPU usage on EasyHTTP is starting to climb to 100% across all 16 cores. We are monitoring the process that is causing the high usage with the view of restarting the server should usage not drop. A restart of the service has not resulted in a fix.
UPDATE 01 – 08:53
The IMAP service has continued to consume CPU usage and levels are now above 90%. Looking at the service threads we are unable to locate any sub service or string that would be causing the high CPU usage. We have therefore opted to restart EasyHTTP which will take around 10 minutes due to the size and configuration of the RAID array.
UPDATE 02 – 09:07
Due to a disk check being requested by the server due to uptime, we expect a further 15 minute delay.
UPDATE 03 – 09:30
The server has now rebooted and all services have been restored however the IMAP service is still using large amounts of the CPUs. We have taken action move the service to a single core so we can continue to fault find. Users may experience a slower email service due to the limits enforce.
UPDATE 04 -10:15
We have discovered a user account with over 700,000 emails in there deleted items which are suspected to be causing the high CPU load.
UPDATE 05 – 11:03
These files have been removed and the IMAP service restarted with all cores enabled. CPU usage is at normal levels. We will continue to monitor of the next few hours.
UPDATE 06 – 12:05
Our network monitor has alerted us that CPU levels have started to climb again. Further review of the IMAP process has high-listed another account of large size however items in stored in the users INBOX which we are unable to delete. We have therefore disabled the account and levels have returned back to normal.