We will be taking LNS01 out of service on the 03/01/2019 at 22:00 in order to complete some physical maintenance work for the 04/01/2019. Connections on LNS01 at this time will experience a drop in PPP and reconnect to LNS02.
UPDATE01: 22:48
This work is due to start. Sessions will drop and start to move over to LNS02. If your connection does not come back up within 5 minutes please power cycle your router. If this does not work then please turn off your router for 20 minutes to allow the session to fully close down.
UPDATE02: 23:18
LNS01 has been taking out of service we we have seen 95% of connections move across as expected. Work can now start on this device tomorrow as planned without further impact on services. Updates to follow.
UPDATE03: 12:50
Work has been completed and LNS01 is back in service accepting connections.