Notice: Draytek Vulnerability

We have seen an increasing number of attacks targeting Draytek routers, following reports that approximately 700,000+ devices globally are vulnerable due to recently discovered security flaws. You can read more about this issue here: The Hacker News – Draytek Router Vulnerability.

These attacks are causing significant connection instability for affected users. To mitigate potential risks, we strongly advise all users with Draytek devices to ensure their routers are updated with the latest firmware versions as soon as possible.

If you require assistance with updating your device or have any concerns, please contact your IT provider.

UPDATE01 – 06/10/2024

We have seen first hand a number of compromised routers since Friday. These include VPN users being created, both HTTP and HTTPS ports being changed as well as IP objects being created and enabled.

We would highly recommend updating your Draytek router and talking with your IT company. We have a number of providers we can recommend if you don’t have one.