Our network monitoring had alerted us to a power issues within one of our Cross-Connect / POP cabinets on the 2nd floor within Goswell Road. Our 4th floor suite is unaffected, however all services routing via C002.017 should be considered at risk until this is resolved. We are current engaged with Level3 and will provide updates shortly.
UPDATE01 – 15:33
All devices within the affected cab confirm that they have lost 1 side of there power feed. We are still working with Level3
UPDATE02 – 17:00
Level3 have advised this is being assigned to a local engineer for further investigation.
UPDATE03 – 18:57
Level3 have advised this has been tasked to a field engineer to investigate. No local alarms have been raised on the site so we suspect this is a local power issue at the cab.
UPDATE04 – 21:20
The field engineer has advised a local fuse had blown on our B side power feed (external fuse). We have granted permission for this to be replaced and the for Level3 to conduct a series of tests to see if the fault was caused by a hardware PSU failure. No issues are expected, however the POP should be classed as “high risk” for the duration.
UPDATE05 – 21:40 Tests have been completed and no fault was found with any of our hardware. Field engineer suspect a weak fuse on that PSU. All redundant power has been restored and the site is now longer classed as “at risk”.
UPDATE06 – 22:30 Monitoring has remained stable for the duration and we are happy no further issues are expected, However Level3 remain on standby. As this was not a service affecting fault and within SLA no RFO will be provided.