LON01 – EasyIPT – Unmanaged Accounts – BGP Changes – 18:00-18:10 – 02/09/2014 *COMPLETE*

In line with the previous correspondence sent out to all unmanaged EasyIPT accounts whereby a customer has a direct connection to the carrier and has not migrated over to our in-house platform (Sipwise), then the following changes are due to take place tonight on our network as we no longer route managed traffic to this … Continue reading “LON01 – EasyIPT – Unmanaged Accounts – BGP Changes – 18:00-18:10 – 02/09/2014 *COMPLETE*”

In line with the previous correspondence sent out to all unmanaged EasyIPT accounts whereby a customer has a direct connection to the carrier and has not migrated over to our in-house platform (Sipwise), then the following changes are due to take place tonight on our network as we no longer route managed traffic to this IP range.

1)Removal of the network prefix via our private Frontier / Voiceflex interconnects.

Non migrated accounts will also not benefit from our redundant outbound routing in the event of a carrier failure, nore the additional in-house call fraud monitoring services offered via Sipwise. Unmanaged customers are reminded that call fraud protection is there sole responsibility to protect against and will be liable for any occurrences and financial costs.

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